The Purpose of Creation

What is love, and is this question important to God?

This book is based on the idea that our world of good and evil exists so that God could go with us on our journey to experience all the incredible emotions of human life.

Repulsed by hatred or arrogance, but otherwise God is within us, and God feels what we feel. It was not for us to suffer, but a perfectly loving God must know what exactly love is. The suffering of some people is like a spoonful of water. The suffering of others is like a glass of water. God has experienced the suffering of all His children, so the suffering of God is like the ocean.

God had to create egocentric spirits who would manipulate humans resulting in a struggle between good and evil. God had to keep humans in the dark.

God created time and space in a way that allowed Him to send part of Himself into time and space to be born as the human named Jesus.

The Right Hand of God is a transcending level of Heaven. Even when He walked the Earth, Jesus existed at the Right Hand of God.

Humans are manipulated by the good and evil spirits of Heaven. The inhabitants of Heaven, including Satan, do not know that Jesus is Lord because Jesus transcends Heaven.

God created time and space in a way that would allow Him to look away from an area of time and space. When Jesus cried out, “Why have you forsaken me?”, it was because God the Father had literally looked away from the crucifixion. When God looked away, the devil and all the evil spirits openly cursed God.

Jesus is a witness against the devil. This is how Jesus destroys evil, this is a key part of our redemption, and this is the true suffering of Christ. The physical pain of the Passion would be almost unnoticeable to Christ. The Lord is repulsed by evil, but on the cross the Lord was forced to confront all the hatred of hell. This is one way God repays us for sending us on this journey.

Jesus destroys evil. This book contains the revelation that causes the devil to be cast from Heaven. This is the Apocalypse.

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